Chau Duncan

Chau Duncan is COO at Earthbanc, which utilizes next generation Liquid Technology blockchain for impact finance, investment and green bonds. She is an Investment, Trade and Finance professional with over 20 years of commercial and government experience, driving strategic business development, relationship management, foreign investment and opportunity capitalization across industry.

Marylaure Bloch

Marylaure Bloch is a PhD Candidate at the University of Geneva and assistant in the Department of East Asian Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, where she graduated from. Strongly interested in contemporary China, but also in ethics of new technologies and what it means to be human, she decided to research on the emerging Social Credit System. She is lecturing for the Master in Innovation, Human Development, and Sustainability, while also contributing to the partnership with Tsinghua University, Beijing.


Ghada Rifai

The Mobaderoon–Active Citizens of Syria is a network of over 4000 participants that works in the development sector and delivers training programs such as active citizenship, leadership in community development, building bridges and peacebuilding. An architect by training, Ghada Rifai has worked in urban development since 2001. As a program manager with Syria Trust for Development her ability to work with different social groups, encouraging them to work together and participate in community development, was vital to achieving successful outcomes. Ms.

Melinda Holmes

The Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL) brings together existing women’s networks, practitioners, and organizations with long-standing experience in addressing extremism and promoting peace, rights and pluralism to improve practices in communities affected by violence, and offer pragmatic policy solutions for the international community.

Rodolfo Manuel Domínguez Márquez

Rodolfo Manuel Domínguez Márquez is the coordinator general of the Justice, Human Rights and Gender Civil Association, which conducts strategic litigation, monitors cases of femicide, and shares incidences of implementing research protocols on femicide and mechanisms to protect women in situations of violence. The association partners with the National Citizens' Femicide Observatory and is a founding member of the Women's Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL). Mr.

Hasan Davis (USA)

As a former Juvenile Justice Commissioner, Hasan Davis provides his expertise at the local, state and national levels and serves on several committees and boards to provide innovative, and transformational ways of supporting the youth. He is a fellow of prestigious programs like the Rockefeller Foundation, Next generations Leadership, Annie E. Casey Foundation and several others. He is the author of Written Off and the Journey of York, and performs theatrical productions chronicling the contributions of African Descendants in America’s history.

Dr. Ram Bhagat

Ram Bhagat is an international conflict resolution trainer, expert in culturally responsive circles, trauma healing and restorative justice practices. He is the manager of school culture and climate strategy for Richmond City Public Schools. Ram is the co-founder of Drums No Guns Foundation and the visionary behind the Richmond Youth Peace Project. As a former public-school teacher, he created an innovative curriculum using the arts to teach chemistry and anatomy.

Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini (USA/UK/Iran)

Sanam Naraghi-Anderlini is a leading international advocate, researcher, trainer and writer on conflict prevention and peacebuilding. In 2000, she was among the civil society drafters of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security and, in 2011, she was the first Senior Expert on Gender and Inclusion on the UN’s Mediation Standby Team.

Daniel Hyslop (Australia)

Daniel Hyslop is responsible for leading Interpeace’s learning and policy agenda that aims to improve the state of knowledge on effective peacebuilding practice and use it to inform better international peacebuilding policy.

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