1979: Erik Andren – Laying foundations for freedom

By Michael Smith

Featured Story
By Michael Smith


In 1979, a series of summer conferences for families, organized by Dutch parents, began in Caux. Erik Andren and his wife, Sheila, came from the UK to take part. It was the first of many visits.

Erik Andren in a spitfire
Erik in the cockpit of a Spitfire
Erik Andren book cover
Bookcover of Trickledown

Erik was a warm-hearted extrovert – an architect, inventor, pilot and poet. He had been born with a congenital heart defect and, at the age of 12, was the 12th and youngest person to receive open heart surgery, at Guy’s Hospital in London. Among his architectural projects were housing in Britain and facilities, including catering kitchens and shops, for airports around the world. He took to computers early, and invented the Margin Maker, the paper feeder for the first Amstrad printers.

On a visit to Caux in the early 1990s, Erik sat up in bed early one morning and filled 13 pages of an A4 notebook with thoughts for a course for aspiring politicians and young professionals in Eastern European, following the collapse of Soviet communism in 1989.

The concept grew, despite scepticism from some about the possibility of delivering it in former communist countries. Launched in 1993 with the input of several colleagues, Erik’s ‘Changing Course’ provided the basis for IofC’s Foundations for Freedom (F4F) training programme. The course highlighted the issues of personal integrity which form the moral and ethical foundations of democracy. It emphasized introspection and the sources of inspiration which lead to effective action.

Despite his own strong Christian beliefs, Erik was aware that those who attended the course might have no religious affiliations. So he focused on the need for participants to spend time in personal ‘R&D’ – research and development, reflection and decision-making – and from this draw their own conclusions.


Foundations for Freedom
A Foundations for Freedom meeting in Kiev, Ukraine, 2014


Operating initially from the UK and then from Ukraine, Foundations for Freedom went on to deliver over 70 courses to more than 1,500 young leaders in 15 central and Eastern European countries as well as South Africa, India, Canada and Australia.

Erik delivered most of the initial courses. As his health and other commitments began to make travel more difficult for him, he ensured that others with similar passion were trained to continue delivery.

I feel the only thing I really want to do is to give to others the chance that I was given to experience a deep change in life and a new purpose.

One participant, a music teacher from Romania, wrote: ‘I didn’t know any more what was right and what was wrong and what I was supposed to do. My main values had become money and survival. I found myself unhappy, stressed and very bitter…. Now I feel the only thing I really want to do is to give to others the chance that I was given to experience a deep change in life and a new purpose.’

Erik wrote that his poems ‘mixed the light-hearted and the serious fairly evenly, as life seems to do, for in laughing I have gained a great deal’. One of them, Not the Bitter Men, dealt with building trust in Northern Ireland. Verses from it were read out in the British parliament. After his death in 2008, Sheila and their children, Lindy and Ross, published an anthology of his poems and prose, Trickledown.


Erik Andren F4F annual meeting 2019
Annual meeting 2019 of Foundations for Freedom



Watch a video by Olga Shevchuk and Liubou Pranevich on the Foundations for Freedom regional meeting, 2014




This story is part of our series 75 Years of Stories about individuals who found new direction and inspiration through Caux, one for each year from 1946 to 2021. If you know a story appropriate for this series, please do pass on your ideas by email to John Bond or Yara Zhgeib. If you would like to know more about the early years of Initiatives of Change and the conference centre in Caux please click here and visit the platform For A New World.


  • Bookcover: Erik Andren, Trickledown, Kennedy & Boyd, 2019
  • Photo spitfire and top: Mike Smith
  • Photos Foundations for Freedom: Initiatives of Change
  • Video: Olga Shevchuk, Liubou Pranevich for Foundations for Freedom


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Books for Changemakers

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A bi-monthly drop-in book club to resource you and fellow change-makers. Dive or dip into important and inspiring resources and ideas, connect with kindred spirits and explore your inner wisdom.


Do you ever wish you had more space to take a step back and gain a wider perspective on your changemaking role and work? Are you looking for opportunities to connect with a world of pertinent ideas, stories and debates out there on change-making, in a manageable and sociable format?

We are excited to announce our forthcoming book group, “Books for Changemakers”: a bi-monthly drop-in session to connect, resource and inspire you, working with a variety of themes such as racial trauma and whiteness, emotional resilience, grief and loss and creative organising.

You’re invited to come along to however many sessions you like. Each time we will focus on another book, which you can either read in full or explore through freely available articles or author interviews we will be sharing.



Upcoming sessions


14 September, 17:30-19:00 CEST:



Resmaa Menakem – My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending our Hearts and Bodies

Read more and register HERE




16 November, 17:30-19:00 CEST:


Joan Halifax – Standing at the Edge: Finding Freedom Where Fear and Courage Meet

More details coming soon!





Books for Changemakers is part of the Tools for Changemakers programme of Initiatives of Change Switzerland.


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'Thank you for bringing Caux to us'

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My work puts me in a leadership position and so I was inquisitive about how the Creative Leadership conference would help me to become a better leader.

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I found that we had similar aspirations and longings for patience, humility, good listening skills, forgiveness and empathy as virtues for effective leadership.

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CL 2020 webinar screenshot
Webinar at Creative Leadership 2020


Towards the end of the conference, one of the organizers, Daniel Clements, apologized for not being able to take us to Caux but hoped that the conference had brought Caux to us. Indeed, that is how I felt throughout. The picture of Caux, which was the leaders’ backdrop during the sessions, made me feel as if I was at Caux. I have never been to Caux, because of visa issues. So when I received an email asking about the impact of the conference, I wrote as part of my reply, ‘Thank you for bringing Caux to us’.

I meant every bit of it.

The picture of Caux, which was the leaders’ backdrop during the sessions, made me feel as if I was at Caux.




If you would like to know more about Creative Leadership 2021 before you register (or even after registering for this year's event), join us for our online OPEN HOUSE event on Sunday 27 June at 15:00 - 16:00 GMT here.

You would like to take part in Creative Leadership 2021 - From Uncertainty to Possibility?




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