Rajendra Senchurey

Rajendra Senchurey is a peace policy expert from Nepal and belongs to the most-marginalized community of Nepal, called Dalit. He currently works with the Nepal government think-tank called "Policy Research Institute". He holds a MPhil in International Peace Studies from Trinity College Dublin and has been a Fellow in organizations like UNESCO, Caux Scholars Program, ICNC, KAICIID, FK Norway, etc.

Shadi Malak

Shadi Malak is a highly motivated global citizen who believes in the power of volunteering, self-development, compassion, and leading by example to promote human dignity and create a more peaceful world for all living beings. For many years he worked with refugees  in Egypt as a legal assistant and educator, and currently works for a programme that offers capacity-building training to refugees. He holds a Master's degree in International Law and has a background in youth empowerment, curriculum designing, and development.

Our Annual Report 2021 now available!

Initiatives of Change Switzerland

Featured Story
Initiatives of Change Switzerland


2021 was a challenging year. It became clear that Covid-19 was not a flash in the pan – and that its economic, social and ecological effects would be devastating. Online communication facilitated connection across the world, but also increased propaganda bubbles and political polarization. As 2022 unfolds, democracy is under threat in many countries, war rages in Ukraine and elsewhere, food and energy prices are soaring. Meanwhile the climate crisis escalates.  

Such windows of disruption are the moments when change is inevitable, and we must learn to adapt. Initiatives of Change Switzerland responded to the challenges of 2021 by bringing people together virtually both to honour the past and to chart new courses into the future. 

This is a time for rebuilding, just as in 1946, when the Caux Palace opened its doors as a conference centre for change and reconciliation. We celebrated our 75th anniversary throughout the year, posting 75 stories of transformation on our website and hosting a kaleidoscope of arts events.  

The Caux Forum 2021 took place largely online, with some hybrid events. It opened with a memorable panel on Swiss Perspectives on Peace: Past, Present and Future. The Creative Leadership conference led a global audience from ‘Uncertainty to Possibility’, the Caux Dialogue on Environment and Security forged networks for the future, and Initiatives of Change Business & Economy considering how ‘sustainable business needs purpose beyond profit’.

The Young Ambassadors Programme brought together more than 60 people from 24 countries. Kairi Kuusema from Estonia commented, ‘I attended YAP 2021 because I wanted to play an active role in transforming society and to explore the dynamic relationship between personal and global change. I was afraid that I would not be able to make a positive difference in my community, but I gained the confidence that anything in this world is possible.’

All our programmes emphasize the importance of listening, to others and to the inner voice. From this, hope can emerge. We believe that our work of building trust across the world’s divides is pivotal for a sustainable future.

Please find below a copy of our annual report where you can discover our latest news and view videos and reports of last year’s Caux Forum Online.

None of our work would be possible without the hard work of our conference and support teams and our volunteers and the generosity of our donors. Thanks to you we have been able to reach out to more people than ever this year. We rely heavily on individual donations, and every gift counts. To support our work, please consider donating here.


Thank you for being part of this journey.



Initiatives of Change Switzerland


Annual Report 2021 EN cover
Annual Report
Event Categories
IofC Switzerland
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Caux in the Belle Epoque

By Andrew Stallybrass

Featured Story
By Andrew Stallybrass


Sunday 19 June 2022 saw crowds of visitors and local people gathering in the park of the Caux Palace for the inauguration of a ‘Caux Belle Epoque’ self-guided walk.

Caux Belle Epoque Andrew Eliane Stallybrass J Coté June 2022
Eliane and Andrew Stallybrass with Jacqueline Coté,
president of IofC Switzerland 

Some 150 people heard Olivier Gfeller, the Mayor of Montreux, officially open the nine information stands. These carry texts and photos in three languages, with QR codes leading to an audio-guide with further information, texts, photos and film clips.

The tour starts at Caux station, with the construction of the railway line, and continues with the Caux Palace and its clientele, the chapels and restaurants of the village, winter sports (bobsleigh, curling, skiing and skating), the Grand Hotel (where the Empress Sissi of Austria stayed), and ends in Haut-de-Caux, just above the Caux Palace.

The Belle Epoque, from the start of the 20th century up to the outbreak of the First World War, was the hamlet’s most glorious period, when it attracted a world elite and many of those days' rich and famous. 

Many of the villagers manning the food stand and offering guided tours were in period costume, and, after the official speeches, a local group offered period dances and music, also in costume. Some 60 people took the opportunity to join guided tours of the period’s two most important constructions: the Caux Palace and the Grand Hotel. The day ended with a performance of Brahms’ ‘Ein Deutsches Requiem’ in the Caux Palace’s theatre as part of the Caux Musical Season. 

The day marked a further strengthening of the sense of shared purpose and destiny between the local community and political authorities and IofC Switzerland, who have owned the Caux Palace since 1946, when they saved it from demolition by turning it into a conference centre.


Caux Belle Epoque banner A. Giovannelli June 2022
On the terrace of the Caux Palace (photo: Adrien Giovannelli)





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