Sofia Mariscal

Sofia Mariscal (Chihuahua, Mexico 1984) is a contemporary art curator and cultural manager who lives and works between Madrid, Mexico City and the northern Sierra Madre of Chihuahua State.


Irina (Bolivia/France) is a 5-years-old French-Bolivian. She loves drawing and everything linked to horses. Irina is very concerned about the future of children, especially because she sees so much waste in the streets of her city.

Maruee Pahuja

Maruee Pahuja is a visual artist, an advanced intermodal expressive arts therapy practitioner, an arts-informed ecotherapy practitioner and researcher at the Step Ahead Institute, Berlin. She also works as an ocularist and contact lens consultant. Part time she works as the creative trainings co-lead for People Beyond Borders. She is part of the Creative Leadership organizing team and driven by the curiosity to find intersections in the fields of arts and science.

Maria Belén Paz

Maria Belén Paz (Bolivia) is the director of ACT2gether Latin America. She is passionate about Human Rights and Peacebuilding, promoting inclusive participation of children and the youth.  She worked for Initiatives of Change France as the Field Coordinator of the Education for Peace Programme in Paris for five years before she joined the CATS - Children as Actors for Transforming Society core team.

Rodrigo Martinez Romero

Rodrigo Martinez Romero (Mexico) has been a proud member of Initiatives of Change Mexico since 2010.  He is also co-founder of the Spiritual Politics Lab and the School of Conscious Politics (SCP) where he collaborates with trainers, artists, spiritual leaders, and researchers to test, innovate and experiment w

Tsegga Medhin

Tsegga Medhin (USA) is a humanitarian, an executive coach and an equity accelarator.  She is an activist in the business of building a better world by advocating for social impact. With over 20 years of corporate leadership experience with Wells Fargo, IBM, and Credit Suisse, Tsegga is a speaker and a certified executive coach to affect individuals and organizations on leadership that is not only technical but adaptive, not only transactional but transformational. Tsegga Medhin is the President of UN WOMEN USA NC.

Mohamed Gabris

Mohamed Gabris (Lebanon) brings 7 years of experience in the humanitarian-gender-protection nexus while responding to the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon. His expertise includes programme quality assurance, mainstreaming gender, accountability, and different protection-related aspects; working with various NGOs and INGOs in Lebanon such as Action Against Hunger, the Norwegian Refugee Council and recently the ABAAD - Gender Resource Center. Since 2013, Mohamed has been working in the domains of personal and community development with Initiatives of Change.

Fadi George

Fadi George’s main vocation is to build bridges of peace among different groups and worlds. Fadi is interested in arts, peace, justice, and safe spaces. His Master of Arts in Transformational Leadership from Seattle University inspired him to work on the training of young leaders in Egypt who are interested in building a just and peaceful society. His long-term vision is to create safe spaces that allow a journey of authentic transformation within our organizations, societies and the world.

Yvonne Buchheim

Yvonne Buchheim (Germany) is an interdisciplinary artist and educator who returned to Germany in 2019 after twenty years abroad. Her art explores the body as a home, a concept challenged by the diagnosis of a life-threatening illness. Using biographical narrative and stop-motion film, she reflects on illness and healing intersecting with a pandemic. The resulting artworks are intimate testimonies of fragility and resistance, they visualise the paradoxical, absurd, and existential in life.

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