Bogomil Kohlbrenner

Bogomil Kohlbrenner is a social anthropologist, working on applied research and the ethical development of technologies with a human centered approach. 

He is the coordinator and head of the Optic Technology Geneva office. As well as a researcher at the University of Geneva Global Health Institute, working on issues of population and context-sensitive appropriate health technologies.

David French

After transitioning from an early career in the music business, David French became a fulltime advocate of the need to maintain healthy oceans for humanity, when he joined the Antinea foundation (Aka. Fondation Pacifique) in 2007. His first task involved using his creative talents there to co-write and coordinate, with IUCN, the opening ceremony for the world conservation congress held in Barcelona, in October 2008.

Lisa Yasko

Lisa Yasko (Yelyzaveta Yasko) is a founder of Yellow Blue Strategy NGO, producer of documentary films about Crimea and history of KGB for Aljazeera, ZDF, ARTE, lecturer at Ukrainian Catholic University, a member of Europeyska Sotnya political platform in Ukraine.

The first Ukrainian who graduated from Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford (Master of Public Policy). Former president of Oxford University Ukrainian Society 2016-2017.

Alan Laubsch

Alan Laubsch is an entrepreneur, connector, and a thought leader in risk management. His mission is to protect Earth’s most vital ecosystems by democratizing natural capital investment. Alan is CEO of Generation Blue, a venture studio dedicated to building a liquid global natural capital marketplace. Previously, Alan established Natural Capital Markets at Lykke AG, and listed the world’s first mangrove and Blue Carbon backed blockchain token (TREE).

Lauren Carter

Lauren Carter is a climate finance specialist based in Geneva who works with governments, development finance institutions, and climate funds to develop their private sector engagement strategies. She currently leads the UN's engagement with Invest4Climate, a joint UNDP and World Bank partnership to crowd-in private investment in climate solutions.

Elisabeth Labes

Elisabeth Labes is a Veterinary Assistant in the Orangutan Reintroduction Program of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation. She studied Veterinary Medecine in Germany and worked as a veterinary surgeon in small animal practices in Germany and Switzerland from 1995 to 2018. In 2009 she co-founded Borneo Orangutan Survival Switzerland and helped develop BOS Switzerland from a voluntary to a professionally run non-profit organisation. From 2013 to 2018 she was Head of International Projects & Partners for BOS Switzerland.

Mozahidul Islam

Mozahidul Islam (popularly known as Noyan) is a human rights advocate and development practitioner since 2001. He has been working with number of international and national organizations including Oxfam, The Hunger Project with a specific view to promote the rights of poor and marginalized people in Bangladesh. Currently he has been serving HEKS/EPER is a Swiss based development organization as Manager-Rights based programming and advocacy and his portfolio is to ensure social inclusion of plainland indigenous and Dalit.

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