Reconnect and tame your inner peace
Reconnect and tame your inner peace
At the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation, we believe that a successful learning process involves the whole person. Over the last few decades, the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation has developed and applied a range of practices and tools that reflect its mission to inspire, equip and connect individuals, groups and organizations to engage effectively and innovatively in the promotion of trust, ethical leadership, sustainable living and human security.
The 1-day course "Reconnect and tame your inner peace" is aligned with our core values and can be delivered as part of your stay in Caux or separately.
IMPORTANT: For participants based in Geneva and with a Swiss contract, please note that it is possible to obtain a subsidy from the canton of Geneva through the Chèque Annuel de Formation (CAF) programme. More information on the subsidy and eligibility criteria is available here.
Step back from the fast-paced demands of modern life and discover the key to inner serenity. This training is designed to help people cultivate an inner peace that empowers them to tackle difficult and complex issues effectively.
In this training, we will incorporate techniques from The Work That Reconnects and sociodrama to deepen our connections with ourselves, others and nature. Through engaging and playful activities, participants will explore new ways to understand our place as human beings on Earth during these challenging times.
Anyone looking to reconnect with the web of life and return to action with clarity and decisiveness
The training is flexible and can be conducted outdoors, indoors, or even during a nature walk.
Objectives and deliverables
Participants will enhance the following Inner Development Goals (IDGs):
- Inner compass
- Integrity and authenticity
- Complexity awareness
- Appreciation
- Connectedness
- Trust
- Courage
At the end of the workshop the participants will be able to face tough challenges with more courage and perseverance. Additionally, they will have activated their ability to experience the joy of living.
ANNICK WAGNER, Coach, Facilitator & Co-Director Hub des Possibles
Annick Wagner combines the analysis of an engineer, the commitment of a manager and the inspiration of a coach. She has over 20 years' experience as a facilitator and leadership trainer. She co-directs a Certificate of Advanced Studies in change management and practices playback theatre. Annick likes to integrate various methodologies and let herself be inspired by what's happening in the moment. She trusts the process!
Delivery mode
- Onsite
- On other sites
French / German / English
Number of participants
10 to 30 participants
1 day
CHF 2500.00.-
Interested? Please contact us for more details: EMAIL