Palais des Nations, Geneva

04 Avril 2025


After the success of the celebrations of the International Day of Conscience in 2024, we are excited to invite you to join us together with BeTheLove and a diverse partner organisations for the 2025 edition at the UN Headquarters at Palais des Nations in Geneva on 4 April 2025 (10:00 - 17:30) and at the Caux Palace, Caux, on 5 April 2025.


What is the International Day of Conscience?         

The International Day of Conscience (IDC25) on 5 April has been established in 2019 by the General Assembly of the United Nations to invite all human beings to focus their minds every year on how to build « a culture of peace with love and conscience ». With this resolution (A/RES/73/329), the General Assembly emphasized the urgent necessity of a mindset shift to address the global challenges facing the human family, including issues such as poverty and hunger which kills a child’s life every eleven seconds. This radical shift of mindset is highlighted by the reference to love enshrined for the first time in a UN resolution.     

Furthermore, despite ongoing international tensions, in September 2024 all UN Member States signed up a Pact for the Future, to set themselves "on a path towards a brighter future for all of humanity". They pledged "a new beginning in multilateralism" based on the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

They reaffirmed their "enduring commitment to the 2030 Agenda" adopted in 2015, whose 17 SDGs have been jeopardized by the implementation gap that followed. Governments unanimously renewed their commitment to Leave No One Behind and established this guiding principle for all components of civil society. Indeed, no government acting on its own can achieve the 2030 Agenda. Its success depends on each and everyone of us.  

The International Day of Conscience (IDC) offers the opportunity to reflect and plan to act on what we can do to Leave No One Behind. We therefore decided to convene a meeting at the UN Headquarters, in Geneva, on 4  April 2025, followed by an event at the Caux Palace, Caux/Switzerland, on 5 April, and launch an intergenerational and intercontinental brainstorming to give substance to the framework of norms enshrined in the United Nations’ core texts which ought to govern the life of nations and to the promotion of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) initiative.

The IDGs framework is an open-source co-creation process based on the recognition that to be sustainable and effective, solutions to global challenges must also be rooted in specific personal attitudes, skills and abilities that help us catalyse the kind of outer change that the SDGs aim at.

We acknowledge in this process the crucial role of Conscience - our innate moral compass - and emphasize the importance of Love as advocated by Resolution 73/329. Love in this context should be understood as taking care of every single member of the Earth family through creative actions. The combination of Love and Conscience can unleash everywhere a powerful collective force of transformation for social change, world peace, and human evolution (ed by Resolution 73/329).   


Day of Conscience 5 April
At the UN on 5 April 2024 with participants of the 2024 edition of the International Day of Conscience


4 April 2025: The International Day of Conscience 2025 at the UN Headquarters in Geneva 

The Geneva events related to the International Day of Conscience 2025 (IDC 25) will benefit from the exceptional participation of Dr. Denis Mukwege, 2018 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and of 12 young Ambassadors from each of the 5 continents, who are recipients of the Young Leaders LoveForce Awards (YLLFA) conferred to them on 10 December, 2024, in Hyderabad.

These young actors of change, together with students from various schools and universities embody the "One Young Humanity Team”, a driving force for societal change, climate action, and racial justice. They have been selected for their compliance with the Leave No One Behind rule, which is the game changer’s promise of the 2030 Agenda, fully aligned with the IDC core values. The active inclusion of youth in IDC 25 celebration is a response to the call from the UN Secretary-General to deliver a present and future that works for all through the establishment of meaningful youth engagement.        

Alongside those young global changemakers, we will benefit from the presence of UN officials, UNESCO ambassadors, the Mayor of Geneva, indigenous leaders, sustainability experts, spiritual activists, artists, writers and meditactors.       

Discover the 2025 programme


The 2024 LoveForce Award winners with Sophia Stril-Rever (centre in white dress) and award winner Maruee Pahuja from our Creative Leadership initiative for young leaders (sitting in front, 4th from the right)


Walk the talk   

The celebration of the International Day of Conscience on 4 April, 2025, is a call to walk the talk of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the  Agenda 2030, the Pact for the Future, the UN Security Council resolution 1325 on Women and Peace, and other reference commitments which open new pathways of Conscience and Love for fairer, happier, and peaceful societies.

Mahatma Gandhi asserted in the last century: "Be the change you want to see in the world". At the dawn of the new millennium, we echo him with Sofia Stril-Rever: "Be the love you want to see in the world."

Despite the escalation of wars, deadly armed conflicts, largescale massacres of civilian populations and the trivialization of violence against nature, we reassert that violence is not a fatality. Peaceful, just and healthy societies are possible, as demonstrated by the millions of quiet revolutions undertaken by unsung heroes who are changing our world under the mainstream media spotlights. It depends on us, younger and elder members of the Earth family, to make peace a reality at the personal and societal levels in the political, economic, and environmental sectors.  

One earth. One family. One future.



Participation in the celebration of the International Day of Conscience at the Palais des Nations on 4 April 2025 is free of charge.

For the event at the Caux Palace, please stay tuned!



Discover the 2025 programme






Sofia Strihl-Rever

SOFIA STRIL-REVER is a public speaker, award-winning author, teacher and spiritual activist. Sofia is the biographer of the Dalai Lama and has co-authored four books with him which have been translated into over twenty languages. She is the founder of LoveForce Leaders and the founding President of BeTheLove, a protocol of heart and mind-awakening for leaders and changemakers, encouraging them to shift from individualism to altruism and accelerate the implementation of the 2023 Agenda and the rise of a civilization of love.




Ignacio Packer 2023

IGNACIO PACKER is Executive Director of the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation, a Swiss private charitable foundation with the mission to provide a safe and privileged space to inspire, equip and connect individuals, groups and organizations from around the globe to engage effectively and innovatively in the promotion of trust, ethical leadership, sustainable living and human security. Ignacio has over 30 years of experience in humanitarian work and development issues. He is an expert on human rights and social issues and has been strongly engaged in global advocacy on protection frameworks for migrants and refugees with a particular focus on children and youth.



Sarah Noble

SARAH NOBLE is Head of Global Engagement at Caux Initiatives of Change. She has dedicated her career to building a better world and is passionate about showcasing people's stories on how we can build peace with each other and the planet. Sarah has held leadership positions at international organisations focused on peacebuilding, humanitarian issues, and independent media. She is also co-founder and Curator of the Peace Talks at Interpeace that have taken place in more than 8 countries with over 8.000 attendees and more than 200 speakers from over 50 countries.



Pascale Fressoz

PASCALE FRESSOZ is from France and the founding president of AIODD International .










  • Permanent Mission of Bahrain 



  • Carl BJERTNES, President. Cooperative SEEDS-AFRICA (Social Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development Strategies) 
  • Elizabeth WILSON, Strategic Communications - Media Relations, Advocacy & Branding 
  • Vanessa MENDEZ, Executive Director of the UNESCO Chair for a Culture of Peace Economy
  • Jean FABRE, UN Task force on Social and Solidarity Economy and former Deputy Director of the UNDP Office in Geneva
  • René LONGET, former Mayor of Onex, sustainability expert for the Swiss government
  • Patrice ROBINEAU, UN advisor
  • Christian DAVID, journalist, chief editor of UN Special, 2007-2013   



  • The City of Geneva
  • Be The Love
  • Initiatives of Change International
  • Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation
  • The People Foundation
  • The LoveForce Foundation
  • The Alliance Internationale des ODD
  • Heartfulness
  • NaturaSounds
  • SeedsAfrica,
  • The International Spiritual Council for Transforming Humanity Foundation
  • Leader Eveillé    

“We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a new dimension of love into the veins of civilization.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Interested? Find out more about the International Day of Conscience 2024 celebrations.


#bethelove #bethechange #IDG25


International Day of Conscience 2025: Leave No One Behind


Vendredi, 04 Avril

10:00 - 10:05
Leading with Conscience and Love for Peace - Welcome and Introduction

By the Convenors of the International Day of Conscience 2025:

  • Sofia STRIL-REVER, Author and spiritual activist, founder of BE THE LOVE and LoveForce Leaders, France
  • Sarah NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

10:05 - 10:25
Opening Keynotes

  • Opening Keynote 1: H.E. Ms. Tatiana VALOVAYA, Director-General of UNOG (invited)
  • Opening Keynote 2: H.E. Bahrain Ambassador to the UN
  • Opening Keynote 3: Ms. Christina KITSOS, Mayor of Geneva 

10:25 - 10:50
Video Conference with Dr. Denis Mukwege, 2018 Peace Nobel Laureate, DR of Congo

  • Guila Clara KESSOUS, UNESCO Ambassador introducing:
  • Dr. Denis MUKWEGE, 2018 Peace Nobel Laureate, DR of Congo  (video conference)


10:50 - 11:05
Short Reflections on Dr Mukwege’s Advocacy for the rights of women and the end of sexual violence as a weapon of war

  • Dr Michel-Innocent PEYA, RD Congo, thought-leader
  • Leogah FORKWA, LoveForce Ambassador, Cameroon


11:05 - 11:10
Musical Pause

"The Chant of the Auroville Banyan" by Renaud RUHLMANN, NaturaSounds Founder

11:10 - 11:20
The LoveForce Leaders Manifesto

  • Sofia STRIL-REVER, Author and spiritual activist, founder of BE THE LOVE and LoveForce Leaders, France

11:20 - 11:30
LoveForce in Action: Embracing Diversity and Unity

  • Jonathan BELOLO, founder The People, president LoveForce Leaders


11:30 - 12:20
Conscience & Love as drivers of Multilateralism for Peace

PANEL DISCUSSION introduced and moderated by Jean FABRE, 1997-2007 UNDP Dep. Director, Suisse, & René LONGET, former Mayor of Onex, sustainability expert for the Swiss government


  • Bahrain Ambassador to the UN
  • India Ambassador to the UN (invited)
  • The Marshall Islands Ambassador to the UN
  • Morocco Ambassador to the UN



PM Rep. with students & Ousmane TOURAY, Pan Africanist (Gambia), John NYIRENDRA (Malawi), John L. OTIENO (Kenya), Karen BJÖRK (Iceland), Young LoveForce Ambassadors

Moderated by: Pascale FRESSOZ, AIODD Founding Pres., France

12:20 - 12:30
Inner Development for Outer Change

  • Ignacio PACKER, Executive Director of Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

12:30 - 12:45
Peace in the Hearts, Peace on Earth

Cheikh Khaled BENTOUNÈS, Sufi leader (Algeria), with Saïd TOUHAMI (The Netherlands) & Ahmed DIAKITE (France)

12:45 - 13:00
Feminine Diplomacy for Peace

  • Guila Clara KESSOUS, UNESCO Artist & Peace Ambassador, & Hélène PICHON, Diplomat, Director of the French Alliances in the Netherlands

13:00 - 15:00
Lunch Break

15:00 - 15:15
Restitution of lunch discussions with youth perspective

15:15 - 16:00
Shaping the future with Conscience & Love

Keynote Speech: Scherto GILL, University of Wales & Global Humanity for Peace, UK

LOVEFORCE DIALOGUE with students, Ghaya AL-AHBABI, UNICEF Youth Advocate (UAE) & Maruee PAHUJA, Elsa CUISSARD, Isadora CANELA, LoveForce Ambassadors

Moderated by: Leopoldine HUYGHES-DESPOINTES, film director & ambassador of people with disabilities

CONCLUSION: Nonkilling Societies are possible: Christophe BARBEY, Center for Global Nonkilling, UNOG

FILMTEASER "I shall not hate" with producer Isabelle GRIPPON

16:00 - 16:45
Leave no-one behind, a tenet for peace economy & social justice


DIALOGUE with students & Priscila FISCHER, Vanessa SYRIO, LoveForce Ambassadors

Moderated by: Vanessa MENDEZ, former Director of the UNESCO Chair for Peace Economy:

KEYNOTE SPEECH: Ali MALHOODJI, social entrepreneur & UNICEF Ambassador, with Kaivalya KASHYAP, Academy of Transformative Leadership & Valerie SEGUIN, film diirector

16:45 - 16:50
Musical Pause

"The Chant of the Nag Kesar tree" by Renaud RUHLANN, NaturaSounds Founder

16:50 - 17:00
Be the Love Medit-Action

  • Sofia STRIL-REVER, Author and spiritual activist, founder of BE THE LOVE and LoveForce Leaders, France

17:00 - 17:20
Concuding Remarks


  • Ignacio PACKER
  • Pascale FRESSOZ, AIODD Founding Pres., France
  • Sofia STRIL-REVER, Author and spiritual activist, founder of BE THE LOVE and LoveForce Leaders, France

17:20 - 17:50
Friendship Cocktail