Saturday 4 July 2015 The role of civil society in the struggle for justice, integrity and democracy was today’s opening plenary topic, complementing the larger conference theme of 'building trust for ethical and inclusive governance.' A
You can now watch the interview with Sunil Mathur, Managing Director and CEO of Siemens Ltd Southeast Asia and speaker at the opening session of TIGE 2015, on YouTube.  
The 9th TIGE Conference ended and left the Caux Conference Centre filled with extraordinary life-stories full of courage and determination.
Sunil Mathur, CEO and Managing Director of the German engineering giant Siemens Ltd South Asia, opened this year’s Initiatives of Change TIGE (Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy) annual conference by sharing his company´s journey through a…
This past weekend, Jane Royston and Emmanuel Mutisya shared their stories of personal development at the 9th annual ‘Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy’ (TIGE) conference in Caux, Switzerland. Both faced difficulties establishing themselves…
It’s been 15 years since Wendy Addison spoke truth to power. In the year 2000, while working as the international treasurer of the publicly listed South African company LeisureNet, regarded as the darling of the Johannesburg stock exchange, she…
On 28 June 2015,  Laurent Wehrli, mayor of Montreux, Anne Lugon-Moulin, ambassador and representative of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, joined Mohan Baghwandas,
On 3 May 2015 the Council of Caux-Initiatives of Change (IofC) decided to become a member of the Swiss Association that carries forward the Initiative multinationales responsables. The issue of Corporate Responsibility is close to activities and…
As the Trust and Integrity in the Global Economy (TIGE) conference is increasingly attracting participants from Switzerland, the CAUX-IofC project manager for Switzerland and two volunteers joined hands to organise an information and networking…
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