The morning’s session featured a panel of peace-builders who discussed their experiences implementing dignity, participation, and inclusion in their work.
Today marks the opening of the 2015 International Peace-Builders’ Forum (IPF), which is organized in cooperation with the Institute for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding (ICP) at the Caux Palace! The forum aims to provide a platform for the…
The third ‘Caux Dialogue on Land and Security’ conference came to an end this past Tuesday, 14 July, after five days of serious questioning filled with lively conversations, intelligent solutions, personal stories and introspective insights.
The focus of the fourth day of the 2015 Caux Dialogue on Land and Security was on the theme of “Building trust for collaboration – a precondition for scaling up land restoration.” The main question addressed during the plenary was “What can be…
The third day of the “Caux Dialogue on Land and Security” focussed on the question of how we can ensure food is traded in a system that gives incentives to farmers to manage their land and water sustainably.
The 3rd Caux Dialogue on Land and Security began on Friday evening 10 July.
Michael Møller, Director General of the UN Office at Geneva, spoke this week at the Caux conference on Just Governance for Human Security. ‘It is our joint responsibility to close the gap, to work outside the box, to transform talk into action and…
INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY AND FORUM ON PEACE MEDIATION AND NATIONAL DIALOGUE - CAUX 2015 With the theme “North Africa and Sahel”, the International Summer Academy and Forum 2015 of the Institute for Conflict Transformation a
‘I was brainwashed and I cannot deny that I had to get rid of it [hate] first to understand others,’ were the opening words of Aysenur Kormaz from Turkey, setting the context for a wider discussion on the ‘qualities of a change-maker’.
 ‘The challenge of trust-building’ was the theme of today’s Just Governance conference. Prof. Katherine Marshall, University of Georgetown, USA, defined it as working towards ‘a safe and ordered society so people can flourish’.
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