Why would a diplomat throw in his career and give up a prestigious job to do something completely different? Find out what made Harmen van Dijk leave the Dutch diplomatic service to pursue a new dream.
Two years ago, Maria del Pilar went out dancing with one of her friends, Laura, who was ‘the funniest person’ she knew. Two weeks later, Laura committed suicide. Maria couldn’t understand how such a young and lively person would want to end her life…
  Background 2021’s Creative Leadership conference will embark from the premise that creative leadership comes from the depths of our beings: in short, from who we are.
Storytelling is a fundamental necessity in an individual's journey to becoming a leader and a changemaker. This online project is an inclusive space for 25 participants from around the globe to learn how to expore their realities and to find ways to…
The Creative Leadership conference took participants on a six-day journey of personal inquiry to discover what creative leadership is and what kind of leaders they are. More than 120 passionate changemakers joined the adventure, where they were…
The Creative Leadership conference explored what leadership is and how we can all embody it. A six-day programme with webinars, quiet times, dialogue groups and times for social interaction enabled participants to learn from inspiring young leaders…
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