Hajar Bichri 2023

Hajar Bichri is from Morocco. Her first experience with IofC was in 2016 in the Caux Peace and Leadership Programme. Since then she has been to Caux multiple times and taken part in different programmes in various capacities. She served in the Forum Secretariat, worked with Tools for Changemakers and was closely involved with many of the wonderful conferences. Hajar joined the Creative Leadership team in 2019 and supported the conference in communications.

Manuela Garay 2023

Manuela Garay works as an office manager for an environmental organization in Canada. She has a passion for communication and believes it is a key to help make the world a better place. Through storytelling, using mainly words and photographs, she hopes to inspire people to take care of their surroundings and of one another. Manuela took part in the Caux Peace and Leadership Programme (CPLP) in 2017 and is excited to continue her involvement through the Creative Leadership conference and Weaving Our Narratives course.

Jonas Truneh 2023

Jonas Truneh is from the UK and first came to Caux in 2017 for the Just Governance for Human Security conference and returned the following year as a member of the 2018 Caux Scholars Program. These experiences affirmed to him the importance of the values of IofC. In 2019 he was a member of the Caux Peace and Leadership Programme where he was given the opportunity to explore the true meaning of leadership with an international cohort of inspiring changemakers. He has since been a member of the Creative Leadership team.

Nuhu Abdulmalik 2023

Nuhu Abdulmalik is a trained educator, graphics designer, video editor, photographer, actor, radio drama script writer and producer and loves creativity and innovation. Nuhu believes in teamwork and is convinced that friendship is a lubricant that smoothens interpersonal relationships.

Sinda Arfaoui 2023

Sinda Arfaoui currently serves as a Program Coordinator and Virtual Exchange Facilitator at Soliya. Prior to this, she spent two years as an English Language Teacher in Tunisia and one year as a Fulbright Arabic Language Teaching Assistant at Boston University. Sinda is an alumna of the MEPI Student Leaders program, where she pursued summer courses in Civic Engagement and Leadership at Montana State University in 2018.

Maruee Pahuja 2023

Maruee Pahuja is a Visual Artist, Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy Practitioner and an Arts-Informed Ecotherapy Practitioner. She is currently working as an Ocularist and Specialty Contact Lens Consultant at Natasha Eye Care and Research Centre and is the creative trainings co-lead for People Beyond Borders. Maruee is driven by the curiosity to find intersections in the fields of arts and science. She loves gardening and is often found sailing on the ship of her imagination.

Asmaa Sleem 2023

Asmaa Sleem is Egyptian and believes that the main hope of any nation lies in the education of its youth. She is also convinced that hope for this world means spreading peace, mindfulness, justice and moral integrity through people’s education, raising awareness, living consciously and the power of togetherness. She sees herself as a lifelong learner and has worked in peace facilitation and conflict transformation.

Hani Abou Fadel 2023

Hani Abou Fadel began embarking his journey into becoming a changemaker when he began developing a passion for history, geography, politics, philosophy and cultures at the age of 12. This eventually led to him to obtain a Master in Global Studies from Lund University with a main focus on climate change and its politics, gender studies, postcolonialism, and Global South politics. Hani was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome when he was 7 years old. Although this meant many struggles while growing up he eventually became a changemaker.

Steven Lin 2023

Steven Lin is a CPLP alumni from Canada where he works as a Family Outreach Worker, helping young parents achieve their personal and parenting goals. He is passionate about youth leadership and has been engaged in various initiatives to help develop future leaders. He loves to learn new things and to chat with people. If you need someone who will listen, he is the one to go to.

Ahmed Abdelsalam 2023

Ahmed Abdelsalam is 26 years old and from Egypt. He is a student, learner, educator, facilitator and story-maker, striving for quality.

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