Thank you for your support in 2017. We wish you a festive holiday season and a very happy New Year.
Pastor James Wuye and Imam Muhammad Ashafa, of the Interfaith Mediation Centre in Nigeria, were among five recipients of this year’s prestigious 2017 ‘Intercultural Innovation Award’, conferred by the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations and BMW…
As part of the re-structuring in the Caux Palace – Conference and Seminar Centre, the Council of the CAUX-IofC Foundation have decided to close the postal agency and the bookshop. The Caux Expo is now also closed to the public. The Foundation is…
‘This summer has shown that the Caux Forum is becoming a, if not the, place to discuss peace in its broadest sense.’ Message from the Secretary General of CAUX-IofC
In Europe even where populists are not winning elections, their narratives of blaming immigrants and minorities dominate political debates. Many citizens are losing faith in integration as the best means of ensuring peace, security and prosperity.…
‘We are the citizens of today and tomorrow,’ stated Kehkashan Basu, 17, winner of the 2016 International Children’s Peace Prize, as she opened the fifth edition of Children as Actors for Transforming Society (CATS). Empowering children to become the…
‘Caux is a place of growth,’ stated Phoebe Gill, Programme Manager of the Caux Peace and Leadership Programme (CPLP), a four-week training and service programme held during the Caux Forum. The programme was run twice this summer, from 26 June to 27…
The first edition of Towards an Inclusive Peace (TIP) took place from 23-26 July 2017 during the Caux Forum. The event sought to discover new ways for peacebuilders to address violent extremism. Recently, approaches to addressing violent extremism…
From 23 to 26 July 2017, the Caux Forum brought together 95 grassroots activists and local peacebuilders, national and international policy makers, NGO representatives, academics and business people to explore alternative ways to address violent…
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