Liliana Neciu, mezzo-soprano at State Opera in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, has taken part in two Caux programmes in 2017. Since then she’s been talking about Caux to everybody, from close friends and family members to work colleagues and people she meets…
On 20 July, the Caux Dialogue for Land and Security focused on sustainable finance and land restoration. The day was introduced by Rishabh Khanna, who spoke of the need to sequester 100 PPM of C02, as our current atmosphere has reached the historic…
This summer, I took part in the Emerging Leaders Programme, which was part of the Caux Dialogue on Land and Security (CDLS) 2018. I am currently between my Bachelor in Economics and my Masters in Development Studies and found this experience…
Raghad Al Saadi was one of this year’s speakers at the Just Governance for Human Security conference. Raghad and her family were displaced by the different armed conflicts in her home country, Iraq. When she moved to the United States, she started…
On July 13, the third day of Towards an Inclusive Peace 2018, the group opened with a discussion about community approaches to violent extremism. Panelists David Smart, National Coordinator for Prevent in the UK, Gulalai Ismail, Founder and…
On 11 July 2018, Initiatives of Change (IofC) began its second year of the three-year Towards an Inclusive Peace programme in Caux, Switzerland.
Highlights of Just Governance for Human Security in video
Wounds inflicted upon generations past and present across the globe cannot be overlooked. They leave their scars and often remain unhealed, perpetuating conflict. More than ever, healing is needed to break cycles of violence and to build global…
Our world is being transformed by such technologies as artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, 3D printing and blockchain, which impact the way we work, live and relate to each other. During Ethical Leadership in Business, an event of…
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