Is Trustbuilding a forgotten factor in today’s world? With this question in mind, about 80 participants listened and reflected as the Opening Ceremony on the afternoon of 26 June kicked off the 2019 Caux Forum. Trustbuilding as a soft skill is often…
As one of the founding members of the Caux Dialogue on Land and Security, Dr Jennifer Helgeson remembers the excitement of its earliest stages. After moving from the UK to the USA, her direct involvement with running the CDLS has decreased, but she…
Ben Callison is Managing Director of Borneo Orangutan Survival UK (BOS-UK), which works to protect the critically endangered orangutan and its habitat in Indonesia. Prior to this Ben served as President of the Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust in…
Marc Ian Barasch describes himself as ‘a social entrepreneur, a communicator, a meditator, a networker’. A glance at Wikipedia shows he is also an international thought-leader and innovator. The titles of ‘founder’ and ‘co-founder’ recur regularly…
The first step to building trust in a digital future starts with understanding it: Stephanie and Rainer want to understand how blockchain works.
Iman Al Ghafari’s career has long been centred around building peace in Syria. She has been involved with Initiatives of Change for a number of years, leading Creators of Peace Circles in her native Syria and in Lebanon with the support of IofC…
Highlights of Addressing Europe's Unfinished Business 2018 in video
Growing up with his twin brother in Mauritius, Ash Domah spent most of his time in nature around trees and plants. His passion today is greening the deserts, and he says his visit to Caux in 2018 inspired him to give all his time to this.
After serving in the Indian Air Force for 13 years, Sai Kishore Nellore decided to work on climate change while studying for a MBA in Aberystwyth, Wales. He realized that the people most affected by climate change are small and marginal farmers, who…
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