How can the alienation felt by so many young Muslims be healed? Imam Ajmal Masroor believes that the alienation stems largely from the inner conflict generated by feeling caught between two value-systems: the way their parents want them to be, and…
When I first took part in the Caux Artists Program (CAP) in 2013, its director, Bev Appleton, told us, ‘Be the best you can be, so we can teach you more’. This year I came back for the third time. The main reason was a powerful desire to become a…
Hasan Davis is a self-proclaimed ‘hope-dealer’, who has dedicated his life to engendering purpose, confidence and determination in young people across the United States and the globe. His son, Malcolm, himself an aspiring young leader, took part in…
Front stage at the Caux Forum we have plenaries, workshops, tasty meals and rooms with a view. Back stage are the 22 people who run the departments which provide beds, food and beverages, clean rooms, front desk services and technical support.…
The Caux Peace and Leadership Programme (CPLP) is way more than just a four-week training programme. It is a platform where young leaders from all over the world explore personal and global change. It is a place where they can exchange ideas, seek…
It is 12 July 2019 and the last session of the Towards an Inclusive Peace conference. While attention has focused successively on the prevention of violent extremism, community resilience and the protection of peacebuilders, today’s plenary is…
Marc Isserles’s poignant one-man show, We Must Save the Children, comes to life when you discover that his grandparents sought shelter at the Caux Palace in 1945 as Jewish refugees. The play took place as part of the Tools for Changemakers…
After fighting against the German occupation of his country, Norway, Jens Wilhelmsen worked with Initiatives of Change (IofC) in Germany and Japan. In over 70 years of fulltime work for IofC on three continents, his focus has been on trustbuilding…
Londoner Jonas Truneh (25) and I are sitting on a bench, watching participants in the Caux Scholars and Caux Peace and Leadership (CPLP) programmes playing something resembling football. As he deflects the ball from crushing my laptop (thank you…
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