Read the report 2017 Programme and schedule
Our team together with the international IofC Network is working hard to give you an online 2020 Caux Forum, trying to get you as close as possible to the “Caux experience”. Although we will not be able to meet in Caux on top of a Swiss mountain…
In light of the global health crisis surrounding coronavirus, as well as its organizational and financial implications, the Council of Initiatives of Change Switzerland has decided to adapt the Caux Forum 2020 programme so as to avoid large…
In September 2019, the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, warned that much more needs to be done to achieve the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. ‘We must step up our efforts. Now,’ he said. IofC Switzerland aims to…
The Creative Leadership conference explored what leadership is and how we can all embody it. A six-day programme with webinars, quiet times, dialogue groups and times for social interaction enabled participants to learn from inspiring young leaders…
Read our report 2018 Watch the video on 2018 highlights
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