In their series of books ‘They chose Geneva’, the Genevese publisher Slatkine have just brought out a new biography of Cornelio Sommaruga. With the title ‘Mission: Humanity’ author Virginie Poyetton traces the multiple lives of this great figure…
Suresh Vazirani from Mumbai, India was unanimously appointed by Global Assembly of the International Association as the new President for IofC International.
The 5th and 6th editions of Enriching Encounters took place in May 2018. They shone a light on local residents' stories as a tool for building trust amongst the locals by using a version of the Human Library.
On 31 May 2018, Initiatives of Change Switzerland facilitated the plenary sessions of the informal dialogue, “Migrants and Refugees in the Compact Era: Ensuring that no one falls through the cracks”, organized by the International Catholic…
On Tuesday March 20th, during the ICVA's (International Council of Voluntary Agencies) annual conference, IofC was asked to facilitate an interactive session at the Centre International de Conférences (CICG) in Geneva. The conference focused on…
The stunning backdrop to the Caux Palace has always drawn a steady flow of visitors to the region.
Women’s Day is not only relevant once a year. We need a 365-day commitment to women’s participation in the political, economic and social arenas. We must think gender parity and work for it (#PressForProgress). It will not be achieved until we set…
With growing activities in Switzerland, and as part of the IofC global movement, we seized the opportunity of the global IofC brand refresh, to change our name from “the CAUX-Initiatives of Change Foundation” to “Initiatives of Change Switzerland”.
Initiatives of Change (IofC) is pleased to announce the launch of their refreshed brand.
Peacebuilding can be a complex process, setting in place well-structured measures targeted to preventing relapse into conflict. It can require a highly institutional and sophisticated approach, through which local capacities are strengthened and…
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