That was the first sentence Maria Paula Garcia Romero heard when she first arrived in Caux, Switzerland, in 2016. She was about to take part in the Caux Interns Programme, now re-named the Caux Peace and Leadership Programme. Her life underwent a…
When we were invited to perform at Addressing Europe’s Unfinished Business at the Caux Forum 2017, we could not imagine what a cathartic experience it would be. To better explain how profound our time at the Caux Forum was, a bit of background…
King Michael of Romania died aged 96 on 5 December. After the best part of a lifetime in exile, for the most part in Switzerland, he was accorded a state funeral, with royalty from across Europe attending, including the King of Sweden, Spain’s…
Peacebuilding can be a complex process, setting in place well-structured measures targeted to preventing relapse into conflict. It can require a highly institutional and sophisticated approach, through which local capacities are strengthened and…
In a canton where 41% of residents are foreign (source: OCSTAT) including expatriates, refugees, asylum seekers and international civil servants, there are numerous actors working in the field of integration and migration in Geneva. Since the 2015…
Over 14'000 people attended the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) Open House Day on Saturday 7 October 2017, a unique opportunity to discover the Palais des Nations before its 5 year renovation, as well as the work of the UN and its partners.
When Christian Picciolini joined the white supremacist skinhead movement at the age of 14, he never would have imagined that he would grow up to reverse what he had helped build in the 1980s and 1990s. He now works to counter racism and extremism.
In light of the current wave of extremes and intolerance of many kinds that the world is facing, we recently had the opportunity to talk with Professor Rajmohan Gandhi after a public presentation he held in London. We asked him about his impressions…
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