Please note that this event is now over. You would like to know more about Towards an Inclusive Peace 2019?
Please note that this conference is now over. You would like to know more about Just Governance for Human Security 2019?
Our creativity, compassion, and curiosity are key to succeeding in the digital economy. Sustainable businesses require a balance between professional priorities and respect for deeper values.
Last December, Initiatives of Change Switzerland facilitated the venue of Imam Ashafa and Pastor James from northern Nigeria to the Center of Competence for Humanitarian Negotiation’s annual meeting in Geneva.
Humanitarian field workers who deal every day with belligerent groups in the most dangerous places in the world need specific skills and techniques. Such institutions as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Médecins Sans Frontières (…
Storytelling forms a central part of the yearly summer Caux Forum. One of the most dramatic stories this year was that of former neo-Nazi Peter Sundin from Sweden. When he spoke in the main hall in Caux during Addressing Europe’s Unfinished Business…
Cornelio Sommaruga, Honorary President of Initiatives of Change International writes about his old friend Mohamed Sahnoun.
The 2017 edition of CATS (Children as Actors for Transforming Society), part of the Caux Forum, saw the launch of the 90 Day Challenge. The idea was simple: CATS participants thoroughly explored their ideas for a range of topics including the…
Children as Actors for Transforming Society (CATS) came together for the sixth edition of the CATS Forum, bringing together some 300 adults and children from 46 countries for a full week of sharing and learning. Participants returned down the…
A primary school teacher from Belarus sits at the lunch table with an ex neo-Nazi from Sweden, who now works to prevent extremism among youngsters. ‘What can we do as parents and teachers?’ she asks him. They engage in a conversation about ‘kitchen…
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