Mike Brown

Mike Brown has been a writer, activist and organizer with Initiatives of Change for over 50 years, with a particular vocation for reconciliation and trust-building dialogues. This has ranged from inter-racial dialogues in America, peace-building programs in Cambodia, and supporting an official process of National Healing and Reconciliation in South Sudan during 2013. In his home country, Australia, Mike has long been involved in working for reconciliation with Australia’s First Nations peoples (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) and was co-chair of the Sorry Day movement in his state. During 15 years in India, he volunteered as a writer on Himmat Weekly magazine, as a facilitator at the Initiatives of Change training centre in Panchgani, Western India, and, for 10 years, as a coordinator of the Action for Life program to mobilize a ‘new generation of change-makers’.