Leaders 4 Global Change
On invitation only
The initiative Leaders 4 Global Change (L4GC) was formed in response to a shared desire to take personal responsibility for making the world a better place and to provide a ‘space’ from which young leaders can gain support and encouragement to enhance their personal and professional development.
Coming from over thirty countries, L4GC's leaders’ experience represents the diversity of the world and demonstrates collaboration across our differences and divides: "We have learned that in order to make a change in the world, we have to start with living our values and making changes in our own lives, and then take that transformation into our communities, our workplaces and our families."
Leaders 4 Global Change believes that leadership comes from within and requires being in a constant learning process. L4GC is convinced that leadership is in all of us if we have passion and courage to choose to become a leader and their personal practice reflects the way that they, as changemakers, shape the leadership of tomorrow whre introspection must be followed by action.
L4GC participants take action in a number of different areas:
- coaching social entrepreneurs
- providing a space where everyone can feel listened to and valued
- delivering experiential learning programmes to give tools
The work of L4GC is undertaken from a place of servant leadership and is responsive to the needs of all those who choose to be part of their community. They have events where their leaders can speak out and tell stories of their realities, all rooted in the belief that no matter how difficult, they can offer support and encouragement and find hope.
L4GC aims to look inwards and then to plan action to take their experience into our challenging world. This summer's L4GC event at Caux is a time to reconnect and to listen while their global community share their realities and their responses to that reality, including the development of social enterprise to address issues in their neighbourhoods.
The event is co-organised with Caux Initiatives of Change and on invitation only.