International Day of Conscience 2025: Leave No One Behind


Friday, 04 April

10:00 - 10:05
Leading with Conscience and Love for Peace - Welcome and Introduction

By the Convenors of the International Day of Conscience 2025:

  • Sofia STRIL-REVER, Author and spiritual activist, founder of BE THE LOVE and LoveForce Leaders, France
  • Sarah NOBLE, Head of Global Engagement, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

10:05 - 10:25
Opening Keynotes

  • Opening Keynote 1: H.E. Ms. Tatiana VALOVAYA, Director-General of UNOG (invited)
  • Opening Keynote 2: H.E. Bahrain Ambassador to the UN
  • Opening Keynote 3: Ms. Christina KITSOS, Mayor of Geneva 

10:25 - 10:50
Video Conference with Dr. Denis Mukwege, 2018 Peace Nobel Laureate, DR of Congo

  • Guila Clara KESSOUS, UNESCO Ambassador introducing:
  • Dr. Denis MUKWEGE, 2018 Peace Nobel Laureate, DR of Congo  (video conference)


10:50 - 11:05
Short Reflections on Dr Mukwege’s Advocacy for the rights of women and the end of sexual violence as a weapon of war

  • Dr Michel-Innocent PEYA, RD Congo, thought-leader
  • Leogah FORKWA, LoveForce Ambassador, Cameroon


11:05 - 11:10
Musical Pause

"The Chant of the Auroville Banyan" by Renaud RUHLMANN, NaturaSounds Founder

11:10 - 11:20
The LoveForce Leaders Manifesto

  • Sofia STRIL-REVER, Author and spiritual activist, founder of BE THE LOVE and LoveForce Leaders, France

11:20 - 11:30
LoveForce in Action: Embracing Diversity and Unity

  • Jonathan BELOLO, founder The People, president LoveForce Leaders


11:30 - 12:20
Conscience & Love as drivers of Multilateralism for Peace

PANEL DISCUSSION introduced and moderated by Jean FABRE, 1997-2007 UNDP Dep. Director, Suisse, & René LONGET, former Mayor of Onex, sustainability expert for the Swiss government


  • Bahrain Ambassador to the UN
  • India Ambassador to the UN (invited)
  • The Marshall Islands Ambassador to the UN
  • Morocco Ambassador to the UN



PM Rep. with students & Ousmane TOURAY, Pan Africanist (Gambia), John NYIRENDRA (Malawi), John L. OTIENO (Kenya), Karen BJÖRK (Iceland), Young LoveForce Ambassadors

Moderated by: Pascale FRESSOZ, AIODD Founding Pres., France

12:20 - 12:30
Inner Development for Outer Change

  • Ignacio PACKER, Executive Director of Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation

12:30 - 12:45
Peace in the Hearts, Peace on Earth

Cheikh Khaled BENTOUNÈS, Sufi leader (Algeria), with Saïd TOUHAMI (The Netherlands) & Ahmed DIAKITE (France)

12:45 - 13:00
Feminine Diplomacy for Peace

  • Guila Clara KESSOUS, UNESCO Artist & Peace Ambassador, & Hélène PICHON, Diplomat, Director of the French Alliances in the Netherlands

13:00 - 15:00
Lunch Break

15:00 - 15:15
Restitution of lunch discussions with youth perspective

15:15 - 16:00
Shaping the future with Conscience & Love

Keynote Speech: Scherto GILL, University of Wales & Global Humanity for Peace, UK

LOVEFORCE DIALOGUE with students, Ghaya AL-AHBABI, UNICEF Youth Advocate (UAE) & Maruee PAHUJA, Elsa CUISSARD, Isadora CANELA, LoveForce Ambassadors

Moderated by: Leopoldine HUYGHES-DESPOINTES, film director & ambassador of people with disabilities

CONCLUSION: Nonkilling Societies are possible: Christophe BARBEY, Center for Global Nonkilling, UNOG

FILMTEASER "I shall not hate" with producer Isabelle GRIPPON

16:00 - 16:45
Leave no-one behind, a tenet for peace economy & social justice


DIALOGUE with students & Priscila FISCHER, Vanessa SYRIO, LoveForce Ambassadors

Moderated by: Vanessa MENDEZ, former Director of the UNESCO Chair for Peace Economy:

KEYNOTE SPEECH: Ali MALHOODJI, social entrepreneur & UNICEF Ambassador, with Kaivalya KASHYAP, Academy of Transformative Leadership & Valerie SEGUIN, film diirector

16:45 - 16:50
Musical Pause

"The Chant of the Nag Kesar tree" by Renaud RUHLANN, NaturaSounds Founder

16:50 - 17:00
Be the Love Medit-Action

  • Sofia STRIL-REVER, Author and spiritual activist, founder of BE THE LOVE and LoveForce Leaders, France

17:00 - 17:20
Concuding Remarks


  • Ignacio PACKER
  • Pascale FRESSOZ, AIODD Founding Pres., France
  • Sofia STRIL-REVER, Author and spiritual activist, founder of BE THE LOVE and LoveForce Leaders, France

17:20 - 17:50
Friendship Cocktail