Eljna Fleury

Ejna Fleury is an enrolled member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe, South Dakota, and is their first Tribal Peace Ambassador. She is a Mystic, Visionary & Ceremonialist. She is the co-founder of Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee and the Wounded Knee Global Ceremonies to heal the multi-generational and multi-lineal effects of massacre, holocaust, and war upon humanity, other species, and our beloved planetary home. Grandmother Ejna has been practicing meditation for more than 40 years and is a certified meditation teacher and spiritual counselor. She is Commissioner at the Global Justice and Healing Commission and International Coordinator of Four Worlds Holistic Health Program for Elders & Leaders. She serves as a minister, healer, priestess, ceremonialist and a pipe carrier in the tradition of While Buffalo Calf Woman.