Elisabeth Tooms EN
Elisabeth Tooms studied Law at Oxford University and at the same time participated in theatre projects as director, wardrobe mistress and stage manager. She married in 1985 to Tim Firth, who died of cancer in 2014. She became involved with IofC/MRA at university and after graduating she worked with the organisation on a full time basis, directing musical shows and touring around the world. A career change resulted in working for 19 years in the City of London for Allen & Overy, a global law firm, as the Head of the Library and Information Service. She took early retirement in 2004 and returned to theatre work, taking commissions as director, stage manager and lighting designer. In particular, stage manager for Intermission Theatre in London helping to develop the Shakespeare inspired youth theatre project. Became a trustee of the Oxford Group (IofC UK) from 2005-2009, taking the chair in 2007. In 1997 founder member of Renewal Arts and involved in creating a series of arts conferences in Caux. She joined the Council of the CAUX-IofC Fondation in 2014.
*Member of the Executive Committee