CDF Dedicated page: CDF Whatsapp
CDF Whatsapp Community
Join the Caux Democracy Forum Whatsapp Community and receive important updates and announcements on the programme, room numbers, speakers and shared materials.
Click here and join our Whatsapp communities to get all the latest updates and information!
- Scan the QR code to join the community
- Select your workstream to join the group
Group Guidelines
- Respect and Professionalism: Please maintain a respectful and professional tone in all interactions.
- Stay On-Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the workstream’s focus and conference topics.
- No Spamming: Avoid posting irrelevant links, promotions, or repeated messages.
- Engage Actively: Feel free to ask questions, share insights, and connect with fellow participants.
- Do not Disturb Others: Please do not use the group video or voice calls and avoid disturbing others by not sending messages between 22:00 and 7:00 (am)
- Contact Us: For any queries or assistance, please reach out to the workstream coordinators by EMAIL
You can download the QR code and instructions here

Tag Reference