Bogomil Kohlbrenner

Bogomil Kohlbrenner
Bogomil Kohlbrenner
Researcher / Social Anthropologist / Coordinator and Head of
Optic Technology Geneva

Bogomil Kohlbrenner is a social anthropologist, working on applied research and the ethical development of technologies with a human centered approach. 

He is the coordinator and head of the Optic Technology Geneva office. As well as a researcher at the University of Geneva Global Health Institute, working on issues of population and context-sensitive appropriate health technologies.

With a passion for transdisciplinary applied research and a keen interest in understanding perspectives, stances and practices at all levels of technology development and use. He currently  collaborates as social scientists to the development of the systemic approach for appropriate medical imaging technologies on the Prystem Globaldiagnostix medical imaging solution. Amongst other research projects, he also works on human-centred approaches and ethical implications in the development of disruptive technologies (AI, big data, block chain, brain-machine interfaces, frugal technologies), locally integrated wound care management and frugal medical waste management.