Anas Badawi

Anas Badawi from Syria, is a 25 year old civil activist focusing on public affairs, women's rights issues, gender equality, gender-based violence, sustainable development goals, and peace. He is a fifth-year student in the Faculty of Dentistry in Damascus University. Anas is currently the legislative and legal environment coordinator for civil work in Syria within the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). He is also an advisory board member at the Youth Peer Network (Y-PEER) in Syria, after he was the Focal Point in charge of the network for two consecutive years in 2019 and 2020. Anas is a peer education trainer and advanced trainer in peer education using interactive theater techniques. In addition, he is the founder and general coordinator of the Tawleh initiative, which is an initiative launched in February 2020 as an attempt to create a free, safe, and supportive civil space for dialogue among Syrians in the fields of sex, politics, religion, and feminism. For the past three years, Anas has actively participated in the national, regional and international processes facilitated by the UN within the framework of UNSCR 2254. Finally, Anas is a member of the Civil Society Support Room that works in cooperation with the OSE (Office of the Special Envoy) in Syria.