Trust building: the critical factor for sustainable peace

02-06 July 2019

Please note that this conference is now over. You would like to know more about Just Governance for Human Security 2019?




Trust building consistently emerges as the critical aspect needed to advance human security on all levels. This year, the focus will be on three human security pillars: good governance, social inclusion and healing memory. These three areas are particularly in need of focused attention given the increase in tension, conflict and uncertainty in the international political climate.

We will, as in previous years, link these to the Sustainable Development Goals with a particular focus on the following: Reduced inequalities (goal 10), Gender equality (goal 5) and Partnership for the goals (goal 17).


Who is this event for?

The event is for representatives in the private, public and civil society sectors who have a focus on human security. It will be of particular interest for:

  • Policy makers
  • Activists
  • Community leaders


Why this event?

The objective of this time together is to explore options for tackling the root causes of mistrust related specifically to good governance, social inclusion and healing memory. There will be opportunity to create new networks and peer-to-peer mentoring for participants to strengthen and expand their work and projects after their time in Caux. This will happen through dialogue, reflection, personal interaction and active listening in small ‘community groups’.


Ebook: Crossing Paths

A guide to the pillars for Human Security and the 2030 Global Goals

On September 25th, 2015 countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. The UN Sustainable Development Goals build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals. Caux Forum: Just Governance for Human Security heard this call. Within the pages of this document, JGHS aligns its Six Pillars of Human Security with specific SDGs.

Rather than focusing individual issues and isolated solutions, this Ebook and JGHS addresses how each of the UN SDGs links to another to create a whole solution ensuring inclusion and representation from all members of a community. Download it here


Attending Just Governance for Human Security, provided me with the opportunity to collaborate with people across the world.  It was invaluable.  This forum enabled balanced dialogue on global issues as they relate to race, safety, police interactions, and immigration. Peaceful governance is a universal desire and finding real, effective and humane solutions that address police and immigrant engagement are imperative.

Jesse Guardiola, Senior Director of Hispanic Outreach for the Tulsa Oklahoma Police Department

The most amazing and enduring aspect of the Just Governance for Human Security is its thrust on serving others, action and change and the role of the individual in influencing that change. These factors have influenced my work in Zimbabwe where I work in communities ravaged by destructive mining.

Farai Maguwu, Centre for Natural Resource Governance

Set in one of the most spectacular venues I have ever seen, the Just Governance for Human Security gathering was amazing professionally and personally. Professionally because I networked with inspiring people who are making a palpable difference in the world. Personally because it was a kind of retreat offering time for reflection, renewal and reconfirmation of my commitment to human security.

Jonathan Rudy, Senior Advisor for Human Security, Alliance for Peacebuilding

Midway through the conference, one becomes totally immersed in the Caux magic that says we all have something to hear and to say to our global brothers and sisters. These conversations bring about a broader world view that there is much work to be done to bring about justice and equality for all.

S. Michelle Place, Executive Director Tulsa Historical Society & Museum


Christiane Agboton
Director of Special Programmes, Centre de Hautes Etudes de Défense et de Sécurité (CHEDS)
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Dr Christiane Isabelle Agboton Johnson, a French and West African national, is currently Director of Special Programmes, Centre de Hautes Etudes de Défense et de Sécurité (CHEDS) in Senegal. Since 1998, she has committed herself to a wide array of church and civil society activities, especially devoting herself to peacebuilding, development and education, particularly with respect to women and children. She was Founding President of MALAO (Movement against Small Arms in West Africa), an organization that works through advocacy, lobbying and education to encourage peace and security in Senegal and throughout all of West Africa. MALAO participates in numerous seminars and conferences in West Africa and across the entire African continent, in Europe, in Asia, in the Pacific region and in the United States, and collaborates with diverse organizations such as UNESCO, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Francophonie, International Alert.   For three years, Dr Agboton Johnson has served on the Secretary General Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters and is currently a member of the ECOWAS Advisory board on Small Arms Control. She was an active member of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) and a founding member of IANSA Women’s Network and the West African Action Network on Small Arms. Particularly interested by the role of youth in conflict management on the ground, specifically in Senegal, she initiated many activities for promoting peace education.  As a result of her years of university teaching and her experience in teaching adults as well as her field work (surveying, studying women’s gender roles and the link between security and development), and networking, Dr Agboton Johnson remains interested in all research activities pertaining to human security.   
Iqbal Singh Bains
Additional Chief Secretary under State Government of Madhya Pradesh
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Iqbal Singh Bains is the current Additional Chief Secretary under State Government of Madhya Pradesh. He has over 30 years of experience as a member of India’s premier civil service, the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and has worked in a wide range of government departments, from energy to rural development to aviation. In 2012 he was responsible for conceptualizing and implementing the Public Service Delivery Guarantee Act in Madhya Pradesh, the first of its kind in India. It guaranteed to citizens the time bound delivery of public services and has been used as a critical tool for curbing corruption at the lower levels of state bureaucracy. For their work they received a United Nations Public Service Award as a mark of effective and responsive public administration. In August 2016 he was responsible for establishing the groundbreaking Ministry of Happiness in Madhya Pradesh, a volunteer led initiative to promote happiness as an essential component of public policy. Alongside numerous other activities, this Ministry designed a programme called “Pause” in collaboration with Initiatives of Change, India. This aspired to equip people with the competences and skills required to live a fulfilling life and better harness their own potential.
Dominique de Buman
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Dominique de Buman is a Swiss politician who has been active on the political scene since 1986, when he first served as Municipal councilor of his native canton at Fribourg. Also involved since 1988 in one of the main swiss political parties – the Christian-Democrat party – he was elected vice-president in 2004 and served as such the party until 2016. At the Swiss national parliament, Mr. de Buman served as a National Councilor since 2003. He was elected as Second Vice-president of the National Council in 2015, and as First National Council vice-president in 2016. In 2017 and for one year, Mr. de Buman was elected as the National Council’s President, a key political position of the swiss federal system.
Mozahidul Islam
Human Rights Advocate and Development Practitioner
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Mozahidul Islam (popularly known as Noyan) is a human rights advocate and development practitioner since 2001. He has been working with number of international and national organizations including Oxfam, The Hunger Project with a specific view to promote the rights of poor and marginalized people in Bangladesh. Currently he has been serving HEKS/EPER is a Swiss based development organization as Manager-Rights based programming and advocacy and his portfolio is to ensure social inclusion of plainland indigenous and Dalit. As part of his work modality and portfolio he used to work with community people, elected local representatives, and law and policy makers to sensitize their thoughts in light with poor section of people. He has also ample experience to facilitate interactive learning session of different development discipline ranging training to supportive supervision. He is also good at result based monitoring and capturing most significant changes which in turn demonstrate people’s power towards their sustainable future. He is a creative writer and well connected with social media.
Sunny Donkupar Mawiong
Initiatives of Change
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Graduated in Law and Business administration, Sunny Donkupar Mawiong comes from Shillong, in the state of Meghalaya in North East India. During his student life in Pune, he served as the Vice President of the North East Community Organisation Pune (NECOP) and the Meghalaya Youth Association Pune (MYAP), which focussed on activism for the rights of the North East India students studying in Pune. Sunny met IofC in 2013 whilst pursuing his studies in Pune. He joined the Asia Plateau Internship Programme, an IofC training programme of 5 months, where he learnt about the core practice of inner listening, and therein began his journey of being guided by this inner voice to serve the world. He has been serving full time with IofC since 2016, being part of various programmes, particularly focussing on IofC outreach in different parts of India, and also in neighbouring countries like Bangladesh & Nepal. He now leads an outreach team. Sunny has a vision for bringing together communities in the North-East of India, and is developing a five-year plan with teammates, to work towards this vision.
Laurent Munyandilikirwa
Human Rights Defender
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Laurent Munyandilikirwa is a human right defender, engaged for non violence, peace and human dignity. Laurent was a lawyer and served the Rwandan League for promotion and defense of human rights (Liprodhor) as the chairman and The League of human rights for the Great Lakes (LDGL)  as the vice chairman in 2012. As such and individually he was involved for the freedom of expression and of association in Rwanda. He is also involved in the IOFC activities since 2003 and active member of farmers dialogue in Rwanda for the regional promotion of the dialogue of farmers with support of Initiatives of Change. Member of the Rwandan diaspora civil society and coordinator of the Observatory of Human Rights in Rwanda based in Paris , he is focusing on research on the roots causes of the continuous violation of human rights in Rwanda. He is also focusing on how a diaspora community can participate, without violence and exclusion, in reaching an inclusive development of the human security in the great lakes region.
Colum Murphy
President of the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations
Ireland / Switzerland
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With more than 30 years of experience in diplomacy, Colum Murphy is the president of the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations. Specialized in the study of the roots of war and conflict, he served the cause of peace with the United Nations and the European Union. In the field of peace negotiation, he served in several wars, including those of Somalia, Liberia and the former Yugoslavia. He spent over four years in Sarajevo, and was, during the war, the United Nations Deputy Head of Political Affairs inside Bosnia. Murphy served the UN in many capacities over several decades, such as Special Assistant to the UN Secretaries-General in the Security Council.
Nicole Pitter Patterson
Co-Founder of the Caribbean Girls Hack
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A senior international development advisor with 20+ years of expertise in both the public and private sectors, Nicole Pitter Patterson has focused her career in the areas of community-based entrepreneurship, SME growth and social enterprise development. Nicole is Co-Founder of the Caribbean Girls Hack (and Co-Founder former Girls in ICT Day Caribbean Hackathon), focused on bridging the gender digital divide in the Caribbean, engaging and upskilling girls and young women across a total of 5 countries since 2017. She serves as a member of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) digital platforms including the EQUALS Skills Coalition and the EQUALS Policy Working Group. Her expertise in the creative industries, spans over 12 years working across the interior design and fashion industries, specializing in the use of indigenous materials in Asia and Africa, mentoring emerging African design brands, forging partnerships between leading design institutes like Parsons New York with industry partners in Africa and Asia, brokering design collaborations between designers and industry buyers and opening new sales markets through e-commerce buyers and trade fairs. She holds an M.A. in Regional Economic Development at Northeastern University, U.S.A., with a B.A. in Economics at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica and training in Residential Interior Design at the Art Institute, USA. Nicole currently leads as Director, Trade, Caribbean Programs & Advisory Council at Women’s Economic Imperative, an International NGO and we are proud to have her on our team speaking on social inclusion!
Jonathan Rudy
Senior Advisor for Human Security at the Alliance for Peacebuilding
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Jonathan (Jon) E. Rudy is Peacemaker-in-Residence for Elizabethtown College’s Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking. He is a global educator on the topics of peacebuilding, conflict transformation and nonviolence. He is Senior Advisor for Human Security at the Alliance for Peacebuilding and a Senior Fellow at the Social Enterprise Service Group as a subject matter expert in peacebuilding. He is a Fulbright Specialist and he is on the roster of UNDP ExpRes preapproved consultants in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. He is a core member of the Global Partners for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) Working Group on Improving Practice. With more than more than thirty-five years of work in 30 countries in Asia and Africa, Jonathan has focused his efforts at peacebuilding and conflict transformation at community and middle-out leadership. (Photo Jonathan Rudy: Elizabethtown College)
Achim Wennmann
Senior Researcher Centre on Conflict, Develpment and Peacebuilding Geneva
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Dr. Achim Wennmann is an expert on the economic perspectives of violent conflict, peace mediation and peacebuilding with years of experience in conflict response: peace processes, conflict prevention, and violence reduction. He is Senior Researcher at the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP) of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva where he specialises in state fragility and hybrid political orders, the private sector in complex markets, natural resource management in fragile states and armed groups and conflict financing. His current work is focused on negotiated exits from criminal violence, sustaining peace in the city and conflict prevention in the context of large-scale business investments. He is the Executive Coordinator of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, a multi-purpose network that connects peacebuilding actors in Geneva and worldwide and acts as co-facilitator of the Technical Working Group on the Confluence of Urban Safety and Peacebuilding in collaboration with the United Nations Office at Geneva and UNHSP. [His published works include The Political Economy of Peacemaking (Routledge 2011) and Ending Wars, Consolidating Peace (Routledge 2010). Most recently he published Urban Safety and Peacebuilding: New Perspectives on Sustaining Peace in the City (Routledge 2018), which consolidates research and provides ideas for dealing with the increasing risk of conflict and insecurity in cities.]


Anik Asad
Anthropologist, Social Worker and Human Rights Activist, Country Director of
HEKS/EPER Bangladesh
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Anik Asad is an Anthropologist and at the same time he is a devoted Social Worker and Human Rights Activist working for the advancement for the most marginalized people of Bangladesh. He started his career as an academician in a public university as an Anthropologists but ultimately he changed his career and became a social worker and a human rights activist to pursue his commitments towards the most marginalized people of Bangladesh as he sees the advancement of society in the lanes of an anthropological world view. Currently, he works as Country Director for a Switzerland based international development organization called HEKS/EPER works in across 32 countries all over the globe. In Bangladesh HEKS/EPER exclusively focuses to the social inclusion of plainland Indigenous and Dalit communities through an overarching strategy of human rights-based approach (HRBA). Anik Asad has decades of experience in senior management as a team leader in different international organizations such as Oxfam, Tere Des Home (Netherlands), ILO, UNFPA, CCDB.
Natasha Borenko
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Natasha Borenko was born in Siberia, Russia, graduated in Psychology at Novosibirsk State University in 2008 and obtained an MA in Dramaturgy at St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy in 2013. Original plays and adaptations were staged in theatres of various cities in Russia. Since 2014, she does interdisciplinary horizontally-structured collaborations with artists, educators, peace-builders and activists. Borenko focuses on socially and politically engaged theatre projects. For her participatory productions with local communities, she applies formats of documentary theatre, Theatre of the Oppressed and site-specific performances. Since 2016, she participates in and initiates international peacekeeping art projects with people from Ukraine and Russia, Caucasus and Chechnya. As a fellow of the Bundeskanzler-Stipendium programme of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, she is spending 2019 in Berlin, conducting the research based project “Gender-sensitive theatre as a tool for peacebuilding”.
Executive Director, Caux Round Table Japan, Developments in the Field Panel, Business and Human Rights Journal, Cambridge University Press
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Hiroshi Ishida is the Executive Director of the Caux Round Table Japan. Preceding the CRT Japan, he worked at the Industrial Bank of Japan (IBJ) for 10 years. After resigning from IBJ in 2000, Ishida was appointed as the Coordinator of CRT Japan, and now he has been working as the Executive Director of CRT Japan. He provides extensive consulting services on CSR and Sustainability for enhanced intangible asset of corporate value, including, (1) disseminating the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights domestically with global initiative organizations, and assisting government, organizations, and companies in implementing them into their daily operations, (2) assisting companies in developing their global business strategies and corporate structures, (3) initiating a rule making to enhance the presence of Japanese companies globally, (4) organizing seminars and conferences on CSR and Sustainability, and (5) providing trainings to foster global human resources with “human capability” and morality.  
Lada (Vladyslava) Kanevska
Mediator and Facilitator
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Lada (Vladyslava) Kanevska is a professional mediator and facilitator, with a more than 30 years of experience in building partnerships and profound connections for sustainable development in Ukraine. Being involved with Foundations for Freedom projects since 2014, she is a co-coordinator of the Network of Dialogue facilitators and participated in various Caux Forum activities since then. She constantly supports trust building processes and knowledge sharing within local and international projects, state and nongovernmental organizations, business and communities. She is also co-author of the on-line course “How to plan and efficiently conduct a dialogue”. Lada is a Honorary Member of National Association of Mediators of Ukraine and a Leader of Ukrainian Chapter of International Association of Facilitators.
Liliya Luts
Human Resources Management and Organizational Capacities Building
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Liliya Luts is experienced in Human Resources management and organizational capacities building, she is focused in personal developments from the view of the Future requirements and for the last years especially works with engagement of youth into professional programmes with orientation on self determination and connection to communities and personal confidence. To ensure that she also provides support to teachers and parents for helping them to become a trustful partner in relations with youth.

#CauxForum #humansecurity #JGHS

past conferences


Basic Room Twin
  • Accommodation and food*CHF 340 (4 nights)
  • Forum FeesCHF 720
  • TotalCHF 1060
Basic Room Single
  • Accommodation and food*CHF 420 (4 nights)
  • Forum FeesCHF 720
  • TotalCHF 1140
Standard Room Twin
  • Accommodation and food*CHF 380 (4 nights)
  • Forum FeesCHF 720
  • TotalCHF 1100
Standard Room Single
  • Accommodation and food*CHF 500 (4 nights)
  • Forum FeesCHF 720
  • TotalCHF 1220
Premium room Twin
  • Accommodation and food*CHF 580 (4 nights)
  • Forum FeesCHF 720
  • TotalCHF 1300
Premium room Single
  • Accommodation and food*CHF 700 (4 nights)
  • Forum FeesCHF 720
  • TotalCHF 1420

* Prices per person per night with full board.

We apply a registration fee of CHF 50 to all registrations.

Not included is the mandatory city tax of CHF 2.00 per person per night (free of charge for children up to the age of 15).

Click here for more information on the fees, possible subsidies and the different room categories.

organizing team

Clementine Lue Clark

Clementine Lue Clark

Managing Director - Just Governance for Human Security
Shaima Bouzhou

Shaima Bouzhou

Vijayendra Kadalabal

Vijayendra Kadalabal

Olga Merezhouk

Olga Merezhuk

Nantisara Pipattanananti

Nantisara Pipattanananti

Jonas Truneh

Jonas Truneh

Daria Trofimova

Daria Trofimova

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