Just Governance for Human Security 2019
Trust building: the critical factor for sustainable peace
Please note that this conference is now over. You would like to know more about Just Governance for Human Security 2019?
- Read the report on JGHS 2019
- Discover the pictures of the event
- Relive some of the moments by watching our interviews and coverage on Facebook.
- Watch the video on JGHS 2019
Trust building consistently emerges as the critical aspect needed to advance human security on all levels. This year, the focus will be on three human security pillars: good governance, social inclusion and healing memory. These three areas are particularly in need of focused attention given the increase in tension, conflict and uncertainty in the international political climate.
We will, as in previous years, link these to the Sustainable Development Goals with a particular focus on the following: Reduced inequalities (goal 10), Gender equality (goal 5) and Partnership for the goals (goal 17).
Who is this event for?
The event is for representatives in the private, public and civil society sectors who have a focus on human security. It will be of particular interest for:
- Policy makers
- Activists
- Community leaders
Why this event?
The objective of this time together is to explore options for tackling the root causes of mistrust related specifically to good governance, social inclusion and healing memory. There will be opportunity to create new networks and peer-to-peer mentoring for participants to strengthen and expand their work and projects after their time in Caux. This will happen through dialogue, reflection, personal interaction and active listening in small ‘community groups’.
Training Tracks
Trainer: Natasha Borenko
Trainers: Lada (Vladyslava) Kanevska & Liliya Luts
By I. Singh Bains & S. Singh
By Jonathan Rudy
By Anik Asad
By Hiroshi Ishida
By P. Hiekha & S.D. Mawiong
By Jean-Daniel Bieler
Ebook: Crossing Paths
A guide to the pillars for Human Security and the 2030 Global Goals
On September 25th, 2015 countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. The UN Sustainable Development Goals build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals. Caux Forum: Just Governance for Human Security heard this call. Within the pages of this document, JGHS aligns its Six Pillars of Human Security with specific SDGs.
Rather than focusing individual issues and isolated solutions, this Ebook and JGHS addresses how each of the UN SDGs links to another to create a whole solution ensuring inclusion and representation from all members of a community. Download it here
past conferences
- Accommodation and food*CHF 340 (4 nights)
- Forum FeesCHF 720
- TotalCHF 1060
- Accommodation and food*CHF 420 (4 nights)
- Forum FeesCHF 720
- TotalCHF 1140
- Accommodation and food*CHF 380 (4 nights)
- Forum FeesCHF 720
- TotalCHF 1100
- Accommodation and food*CHF 500 (4 nights)
- Forum FeesCHF 720
- TotalCHF 1220
- Accommodation and food*CHF 580 (4 nights)
- Forum FeesCHF 720
- TotalCHF 1300
- Accommodation and food*CHF 700 (4 nights)
- Forum FeesCHF 720
- TotalCHF 1420
* Prices per person per night with full board.
We apply a registration fee of CHF 50 to all registrations.
Not included is the mandatory city tax of CHF 2.00 per person per night (free of charge for children up to the age of 15).
Click here for more information on the fees, possible subsidies and the different room categories.