A Creative Leadership programme for young leaders (ages 18 - 35)

05. - 12. Juli 2025


What if democracy isn't just about systems, but about narratives? Who gets to shape the narratives we live by? How do we reclaim the power to tell our own stories, our struggles, our dreams, our truths? And how can we transform the way we lead and change societies?

Reimagining Democracy(ies), a 7-day immersive youth programme, comes as a response to the current unequal power dynamics and unethical leadership shaping our world today. It urges youth to step up with solidarity, vulnerability and empathy, taking ownership to create change on both personal and socio-political levels. 

This programme, organised by Creative Leadership, runs alongside the Caux Democracy Forum where 28 young changemakers (ages 18-35) come together to rethink democracy(ies), reimagine power, explore pressing global challenges and collectively attempt to rewrite the narratives that shape our societies through reflective spaces of learning/unlearning, storytelling, dialogue and art.


Young people


Who We Are

Creative Leadership is a global team of 14 volunteers, supported by the Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation and Initiatives of Change, united by the belief that change begins within. Formed in 2019 after the Caux Peace and Leadership summer programme, the team of Creative Leadership has since organised numerous initiatives to foster solidarity, challenge dominant narratives, and reimagine our connection to ourselves, each other, and the world.

At the core of our work is Creative Stewardship, which is a fusion of Creative Leadership and ethical stewardship. This means taking responsibility for positive change while ensuring sustainability, compassion, and human flourishing, without seeking undue personal gain. Through this approach, we create spaces where young leaders worldwide can reconceptualize democracy and take meaningful action toward a more just and inclusive future.

You can learn more about us and our stories here


Dates & Programme Structure

  • 5 - 8 July: Reimagining Democracy(ies) Programme - Arrival: 5 July (before 18:00 CEST)
  • 8 - 12 July: Reimagining Deocracy(ies) continued + partial participation in the Caux Democracy Forum (CDF) - Departure: 12 July (after lunch)


Caux Palace drone Adrien Giovannelli banner


The Venue

The Caux Palace near Montreux, Switzerland

The Reimagining Democracy(ies) Programme and the Caux Democracy Forum take place in our centre for dialogue and peacebuilding, the Caux Palace, a former Belle Époque Grand Hotel nestled in the mountains 1000m above sea level.  With its breathtaking view over the Léman and the Alps, it provides a unique and inspiring setting.                                 

Discover the rich history of this extraordinary venue


Young people


Programme Workstreams

1. Leadership from the Self

  • To lead with authenticity through being present and cultivating self-awareness.
  • To align and embody our core values through active reflection, vulnerability and participation.
  • To be firmly rooted in our identity enabling meaningful engagement with societal issues.


2. Weaving our Narratives

  • To use storytelling as a powerful tool to transform individual and collective experiences.
  • To deepen self-knowledge, to empower authentic living, to provide healing and to build unity across divides.
  • To foster empathy while exploring the intersection of personal and societal narratives and develop community, create solidarity and advocate for change.


3. Creative Democracy

  • To explore creative ways to develop a grassroots, inclusive democracy by providing a space to collectively ideate approaches that can be implemented in participants’ local contexts.
  • To encourage youth awareness that will supportus to actively contribute to informed and responsible decisions and actions that impact our lives.


Young people



  • Contextualised Democratic Engagement: Encourage participants to explore and redefine concepts of democracy, ensuring systems adhere to its localised essence. This includes fostering empathy, active listening, and engaging ideological differences. 
  • Reframing Narratives: Breakdown mainstream European definition of democracy and associated linguistics, allowing us to reframe narratives and to open democracy up for different cultures to engage with.
  • Personal Transformation: Equip participants with a deep understanding of their identities and values, fostering inner leadership and self-governance. 
  • Expanded Networks: Promote connections among diverse participants and encourage collaboration across cultures and backgrounds, thus fostering a vibrant community of future leaders. We aim especially to invite people beyond the European audience.


Young people


Outcomes and Practical Skills: What should participants expect

  • Inner Listening: A practice to cultivate deep listening in order to become more conscious of the self and one’s thoughts. 
  • Dialogue and Reflection: Spaces for sharing personal experiences and gaining greater perspectives on the world at large. 
  • Resilience Building: Tools for equipping participants to navigate complexities, both personal and within their communities. This includes developing adaptability and vulnerability. 
  • Art as a Tool for Advocacy: Practices to use art as a means to create socio-political change and greater community engagement. 
  • Sustainable Impact: The creation of an alumni network for follow-up projects and community impact efforts. 
  • Story Sharing: An exchange between participants to foster empathy and non-judgement, whilst learning through the experiences of others. 
  • Skills for Peacebuilding: Practical Tools for peace building and conflict transformation and community planning.


Young people


Who is this programme for?

Reimagining Democracy(ies) is designed for 28 participants from across the world, primarily aged 18-35.

We encourage applications from:

  • Those who yearn to create change both within themselves and in the world.
  • Individuals eager to explore self-development and personal growth as tools for action.
  • Anyone looking to connect with an international network, exchange ideas, and explore solutions from diverse perspectives.

Participants will be selected through an application process to ensure a strong alignment with the programme’s goals. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all spots are filled.  


Young people


Participation Fees 

Participation Fee: CHF 1,085.- that includes the following:

  • Accommodation in a shared room at the Caux Palace for 6 nights
  • Participation in Reimagining Democracy(ies) Programme
  • Partial participation in the Caux Democracy Forum
  • Materials provided during the event
  • Interpretation service and technical equipment
  • Coffee and tea breaks as well as refreshments
  • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • VAT & City taxes


Young people



We are committed to making Reimagining Democracy(ies) accessible to a diverse group of participants. While we cannot guarantee full sponsorships, we will do our best to support those in need.

Please note: Scholarships will cover only a portion of the accommodation costs, including meals at the Caux Palace, as well as partial support for flights. Participants who receive financial support will still need to cover the remaining fee and any additional travel expenses, including visas.

If you think you may need financial assistance, you can indicate this in the application form.



Once selected as finalists, applicants must start their own visa procedures and we will provide a Letter of Invitation if needed.



Please reach out if you have any questions via EMAIL.


Are you ready to apply? We look forward to hearing from you! 




#CauxDemocracy #Creative Leadership

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